is the destination you want the extracted files to gox
is the ISO you want to extract files from-o
flag is intentional7z x -o'D' -y x
7z x -o'/run/media/espionage724/LTSC 2019' -y '/home/espionage724/Downloads/en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_be3c8ffb.iso' && sync && sync
rm -f '/tmp/yt-dlp' && wget -O '/tmp/yt-dlp' 'https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp' && chmod +x '/tmp/yt-dlp'
to a URL'/tmp/yt-dlp' --list-formats x
to a URLbestaudio
can be changed to bestvideo
for just video, or best
for best video with audio'/tmp/yt-dlp' --extract-audio --format 'bestaudio' x
'/tmp/yt-dlp' --extract-audio --format 'bestaudio' --audio-format 'm4a' x
'/tmp/yt-dlp' --extract-audio --format 'bestaudio' --audio-format 'mp3' x
sudo -e '/etc/modprobe.d/anaconda-blacklist.conf'
gio open '/etc/yum.repos.d'
sudo dnf history
to a transaction ID found abovesudo dnf history undo x
dnf autoremove
if it's brokensudo dnf list --installed 'kernel'*
sudo dnf remove *5.3.7* && sync
zypper packages --orphaned
sudo zypper remove --clean-deps 'x'
sudo zypper patterns --installed-only
ls '/etc/zypp/repos.d'
zypper repos --priority
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
sudo firewall-cmd --get-services
to name of a service from abovesudo firewall-cmd --info-service=x
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
as-needed to allow the rule to persistsudo firewall-cmd --add-service=x
sudo firewall-cmd --remove-service=x
as-needed to allow the rule to persisttcp
to udp
as-neededsudo firewall-cmd --add-port=x/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --remove-port=x/tcp
mkdir -p ~/'.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d' && nano ~/'.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/99-custom.conf'
context.properties = { default.clock.rate = 192000 default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000 ] }
mkdir -p ~/'.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d' && cp '/usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf' ~/'.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/99-custom.conf'
nano ~/'.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/99-custom.conf'
gio open '/usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf'
nano '/usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf'
sudo rm -Rf ~gdm/'.local/state/wireplumber' ~/'.local/state/wireplumber'
rm -Rf ~/'.local/state/wireplumber'
rpm -q gpg-pubkey --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{SUMMARY}\n'
sudo rpm -e x
rm -Rf ~/'.cache/thumbnails'
to schema or omit it to show all settingsgsettings list-recursively 'x'
gsettings reset 'org.gnome.shell' 'app-picker-layout'
pkcon -c '1' refresh && pkcon update
sudo fstrim --verbose --all
sudo touch '/.autorelabel'
tracker3 reset --filesystem --rss
rm -f ~/'.config/monitors.xml' ~/'.config/monitors.xml~'
rm -f ~/'.config/pulse/'*
journalctl -e _COMM='gdm-x-session'
gio open ~/'.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log'
mousepad '/var/log/Xorg.0.log'
gio open ~/'.local/share/xorg/'
LIBGL_DEBUG='verbose' glxinfo | grep 'libgl'
wget -O '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' 'http://www.ozone3d.net/gputest/dl/GpuTest_Linux_x64_0.7.0.zip' && unzip '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' -d '/tmp' && cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='1280' /height='720'
cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='1280' /height='720'
/fullscreen /benchmark /benchmark_duration_ms='15000'
wget -O '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' 'http://www.ozone3d.net/gputest/dl/GpuTest_Linux_x64_0.7.0.zip' && unzip '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' -d '/tmp' && cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD='1' __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME='nvidia' ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='1280' /height='720'
wget -O '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' 'http://www.ozone3d.net/gputest/dl/GpuTest_Linux_x64_0.7.0.zip' && unzip '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' -d '/tmp' && cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='1920' /height='1080'
cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='1920' /height='1080'
/fullscreen /benchmark /benchmark_duration_ms='15000'
wget -O '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' 'http://www.ozone3d.net/gputest/dl/GpuTest_Linux_x64_0.7.0.zip' && unzip '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64.zip' -d '/tmp' && cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='3840' /height='2160'
cd '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_x64_'* && ./GpuTest /test='fur' /width='3840' /height='2160'
/fullscreen /benchmark /benchmark_duration_ms='15000'
rm -Rf '/tmp/GpuTest_Linux_'* && cd ~ && sync
sudo dnf install 'lm_sensors' -y && sudo sensors-detect --auto && sudo watch -n0.5 sensors
grep 'MHz' '/proc/cpuinfo'
watch --interval '0.5' grep \'cpu MHz\' '/proc/cpuinfo'
openssl ciphers -v | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq
df -hT
df --human-readable --print-type
sudo cryptsetup -v status '/dev/dm-0'
sudo mdadm --detail-platform
instead of just /dev/
to appear on Anacondasudo mdadm --create '/dev/md/raid0' --name='RAID' --level='0' --raid-devices='2' '/dev/nvme0n1' '/dev/sda' --verbose
sudo mdadm --create '/dev/md0' --name='RAID' --level='0' --raid-devices='3' '/dev/sda' '/dev/sdb' '/dev/sdc' --verbose
sudo dnf install 'msr-tools'
sudo wrmsr --all '0x1A0' '0x4000850089'
is the expected valuesudo rdmsr --all '0x1A0'
sudo cat '/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch'
sudo strings '/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT' | grep -i 'windows ' | sort
values do and how they comparedsdt.dsl
, look for _OSI
values, along with Windows
and Linux
sudo dnf install 'acpica-tools'
sudo cp --force '/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT' ~/'dsdt.dat'
cd ~ && iasl -d ~/'dsdt.dat'
gio open ~/'dsdt.dsl'
sudo dnf remove 'acpica-tools' && sync
only for LCD/Non-CRT displays, and only as-needed 3)horizontal
(width), vertical
(height) and refresh rate
cvt '3840' '2160' '60'
cvt --reduced '3840' '2160' '60'
are from the above generate command, and is everything after Modeline
xrandr --newmode "3840x2160R" 533.00 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2222 +hsync -vsync
xrandr --addmode 'HDMI-A-0' '3840x2160R'
xrandr --output 'HDMI-A-0' --mode '3840x2160R'
xrandr --verbose | grep *current
is the name of the port on the GPU the display is connected toModeline
is from the above generate command, including the text Modeline
is the custom resolution name generatedSection "Monitor" Identifier "HDMI-A-0" Modeline x Option "PreferredMode" "3840x2160R" EndSection
grep -e "processor" -e "core id" -e "^$" /proc/cpuinfo
gcc -v -E -x c -march=native -mtune=native - < /dev/null 2>&1 | grep cc1 | perl -pe 's/ -mno-\S+//g; s/^.* - //g;'
history -cw
in 7ZIPNAME.7z
to the desired archive namePASS
in -pPASS
to the desired passwordx
to the file or folder to add to the archive7za a '7ZIPNAME.7z' -p'PASS' 'x'
7za a 'x.7z' -p'x' 'x'
is a secret without &digits=6
sudo apt install 'oathtool'
sudo dnf install 'oathtool'
oathtool --totp -b 'x'
sudo apt install 'libimage-exiftool-perl'
sudo dnf install 'perl-Image-ExifTool'
exiftool -all= *.* -overwrite_original